Tuesday, March 3, 2015

After the 1st Trip to Millstone!

Collaborating with the elementary school students. 

Today, we traveled to Millstone River Elementary, the 4th-5th grade school nearby Community.  We had 1 goal in mind: Teach the MAGIC kids about littleBits.
MAGIC is the elementary school equivalent of PRISM, and as we stared back at the sea of 4th grade faces, we knew awesomeness was in store.
Working through littleBit challenges.
It started with chaos.  We were all rushing around in different directions, trying to do stuff.  Sundhar and I were kinda competing for chances to talk.  It was not exactly the way we wanted to start.
But eventually, we got through all that stuff, and started showing the kids how the Bits worked.
"They fit together with magnets, so you can't put them together wrong, and, like, electrocute yourself."
"Green bits do something.  They might glow, or spin, or annoy eighth graders..."
 "Who knows what THIS thingummybob is?" (points to a battery)
Yeah.  It was pretty crazy.
After that, we turned the 4th graders loose to experiment on their own.  We challenged them to make thing that moved, glowed, and made sound.
Now we heard them start really getting into the "maker" mindset.
"Hey, I wonder what happens if I flip that switch?"
"Check this out!"
"Hey, how'd you do that?"
"I wonder how that works..."

And then, I heard the best one of all.
"Hey 6th graders!  This is AWESOME!"
It was.

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